You are here: Creating a transmittal > Generating a transmittal sheet

Generating a transmittal sheet

A transmittal sheet is a report that lists the documents and their revision numbers that are included in a transmittal. The typical transmittal sheet also lists the name, telephone number and address of the sending and receiving parties. It might also include comments about the status of the documents or the project, instructions to the recipient in the use of the documents, and a date by which a response to the transmittal is due back to the sender. Transmittal sheets are generated from Meridian Enterprise report templates or external reporting systems configured by a system administrator.

To generate a transmittal sheet:

  1. Select the transmittal in the vault for which you want to generate a transmittal sheet.
  2. Click Document, point to Transmittal Management, and then click View Transmittal. The Transmittal dialog box appears.
  3. Click the Generate Transmittal Sheet button on the toolbar. The Generate Transmittal Sheet dialog box appears.
  4. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Generate Transmittal Sheet options
Option Description
Include transmittal in briefcase

cleared for briefcases that are created as transmittal or submittals.

Save document list as collection

If you want to save the names of the documents contained in the transmittal as a collection in the vault, select an existing collection from the list or select <New collection> to save the list as a new collection.

  1. Click OK. The Build Report dialog box appears.
  2. Click options or type values using the descriptions in the following table.
Build Report options
Option Description

Select the scope of the report

The default, <Current Selection (Recursively)> will include all of the documents and their parts within the transmittal in the report.

Select the format of the report

Select from among the available report formats or report templates (Microsoft Word).

Save report in

A location to store a copy of the transmittal sheet in addition to the copy that will be created in the transmittal.

Add to existing report

Appends the report data if the report already exists.

Open report when done

Opens the report in the registered application for the selected report format when the report has completed.

  1. Click Generate to proceed. The Building Report dialog shows the progress of the report. When finished, a copy of the transmittal report is placed in the transmittal and in the location you chose for the Save report in option.
    To edit the new transmittal sheet, click the Edit Transmittal Sheet in Application button on the toolbar. The transmittal sheet is opened in the application that is registered with Windows for the transmittal sheet’s file extension.
  1. Click Close.

Related tasks

Creating a transmittal

Adding vault documents to a transmittal

Importing documents to a transmittal

Adding documents to a submittal

Selecting the recipients of a transmittal

Sending a transmittal via email